Recent News about the CAS and Phonebook Toolkit Version 1.0B The following conditions/errors currently exist in the Toolkit: · This error applies to every Toolkit function that has as a parameter a pointer to a phonebook structure. These Toolkit functions do not check to ensure that the pointer points to a valid phonebook structure. Therefore, the results are unreliable. The application must ensure that the pointer points to a valid phonebook structure. · The application passes a parameter, which is a pointer to a phonebook entry structure, to the PbAddEntry, PbFindFirstOrNext, PbFreePBE, PbGetEntry, and PbModifyEntry functions. These functions do not check to ensure that the pointer points to a valid phonebook entry structure. The results are unreliable. The application must ensure that the pointer points to a valid phonebook entry structure. · The application passes a parameter, which is a pointer to a phonebook, to the PbGarbageCollect function. The phonebook should be closed. However, PbGarbageCollect works correctly if the pointer points to an open phonebook. The phonebook is closed when the garbage collection is done. · The application passes a parameter, which is a pointer to a phonebook entry structure, to PbAddEntry. One of the fields in the phonebook entry structure is Hardware_Type. PbAddEntry does not check to ensure that Hardware_Type is a valid type (HASCCC or FAXONLY). The application must ensure that the Hardware_Type field contains a valid type. · PbFreePBE will set Pberrno to INVALID_PARAMETER if either the phonebook structure or phonebook entry structure passed to PbFreePBE is NULL. You should check Pberrno to determine whether it has been set upon returning from PbFreePBE. Recent News about Intel's Resident Manager · In Intel's Resident Manager Version 1.11 and below, the Get Event Date (0AH) and Get Event Time (0CH) functions, do not return an error when the event specified is not in the queue. A random time and date are returned. The application must ensure that the event handle is the handle of an existing event in the specified queue before making a call to either of these routines. 302683-001A